September 2, 2008

Should scrap metal yards be held accountable?

The theft of three bronze sculptures here at Forest Hills prompted a great editorial calling for new reporting regulations for scrap metal yards. These regulations would reduce the theft of objects for the value of materials and is urgently needed as prices for metals soar. This type of theft is particularly devastating when sculpture is the target. Once melted down, there is no possibility of recovering the work; it has been destroyed for a fraction of its price as artwork and in vicious disregard for craftsmanship, meaning, and unique beauty. The Globe put it well:
It's heartbreaking to learn that bronze sculptures in the Forest Hills Cemetery have been stolen from their eternal homes, possibly to be sold off for scrap metal. The beauty and serenity of the 19th century garden cemetery, enhanced by these contemporary sculptures, cannot be valued in price per ton.
Public art all over Boston is at risk, so if you agree, contact your state legislators. Police investigation turned up the information that our sculpture was offered to one scrap yard that refused to take it, suspecting theft. But that doesn't mean the thieves didn't locate a dealer willing to look the other way.

The media has been very helpful covering the story of the theft of three contemporary bronze sculptures from Forest Hills and publicizing the reward for information leading to their regurn: The Bulletin, The JP Gazette, The The Boston Globe, WBUR 90.9 radio, and Fox News.

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